The picture is one of silver cassia, or senna artimisioides - one of the sown species. Senna is a small woody shrub which grows to about 2m. A silvery appearance created by short white hairs on the branchlets and leaves. Leaves are 2-4cm long with 4-8 pairs of leaflets which are narrowly cylindrical, grey green or silvery.
We already have some Miljee on the south side of the block in particular and the River Cooba (stenophylla) we have planted from tubestock along the river bank. Where it has been planted by the river's edge it is doing very well. The Cooba is best seen at the first ramp coming in along Colensopark Road. There is a really strong stand of Cooba on either side of the road; and again about 100 metres past the Yarrein Creek bridge (about a km further on from the ramp).
The Species recommended for sowing were:
- Gold dust wattle (acacia acinacea) 20%
- Miljee or Umbrella wattle (a. oswaldii) 20%
- Cooba (a. salicina) 20%
- River Cooba (a. stenophylla) 20%
- Sugarwood (myoporum platycarpum) 10%
- Butterbush (pittosporum phillyreoides) 10%
The actual sowing guide (on the day) had in it
- 900 grams of gold dust wattle
- 400 grams of A. melvillei
- 1200 grams of Miljee
- 600 grams of Cooba
- 1200 grams of River Cooba
- 200 grams of Melaleuca lanceolata
- 600 grams of Butter bush
- 900 grams of Senna artemisioides
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