Everyone had a good time and Kristin never saw any goannas. The kids had a particularly good time. Rohan, Eric and Lottie are checking out the action on the river; Thomas is trying out Sam's line in the boat.
Liza, Emma and Mel took over 100 photo's - mainly of the kids! In the next few weeks we will get the photos onto the internet or probably better onto a CD and send them to everyone so they can print off the photos they like.
I think we had 29 family and cousins attend - if you count Russ as a cousin/family. Weather was very kind; river came up on the Wednesday after we came back, but that didn't matter. There had been enough water for the canoes and the kids. We did catch two cod (and release) over 60 cm in length.
Highlights? Having Pat and Len come (they hit a kangaroo on the way out Saturday night); Sara and Matt (Guitar and didgeridoo, with Josh in accompaniment). Market was good; and Gordon and Eirlys came across for a chat. Good fires, courtesy of some wood from the old Whymoul Bridge and the dinner on Saturday night that Jonesy cooked. Pretty yum as usual. Matt taking 2 hours to put up the 1 minute tent.
Nathan Shannon came up with Josh on Saturday I think (Josh came Friday). Josh met Nath in the little yellow Suzuki in Barham....and brought home some more wood from the bridge on the way back. Josh had a tent that was about 15 cm too short for him. Sara made plenty of that!
Spud went for a long walk with the "black and purple Oargee" spinner, but no luck. Although he did catch a cod on a hogback lure in the camp hole (Cartwheel Bend). Sam shot 6 ducks for Len on Saturday morning I think and plucked them at camp - just as Gordon came over. Stephen took two back to Melbourne and cooked them up. First duck for many years.
Next year we will all come again on Thursday (almost everyone did) and this time we will put a bit of time into planning the meals so that we don't have so much additional food. We had two lamb roasts (3kg boneless); two of Spud's chooks and Jonesy brought a pork roast on Saturday night. We had perhaps a chook and a bit left.
We will do it again next year with 2010 dates being Thursday 25th of March to Sunday 28th of March -- the first weekend of term holidays, and a week before Easter. Everyone to be there on Thursday night again. Scotty may be too old to play footy next year, so we will see him!!!
Love the site Steve,
Great to see the camping tradition alive and well.
I will definitely make a move south next year to see everyone again.
Tony Beattie
Planning to bring Edwina this year. As you may know 'Edi' is straight out of the mould animal lover. Of course the experienced and reliable Oliver will be my first mate.
It will be great to see you all, hopefully committments will allow a good roll-up.
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