August 25, 2008

Fixing the Suzuki August 23rd 2008

The Wakool is already trending back.

The picture above shows the extent of water in the bend, with the expectation that this summer there may not be a flow down the river.

Scott Buckingham has asked if he can shift his house pump into the bend beside our block because he anticipates that this will be where the last water is. Gordon is a little more confident "If we get good spring rains then I think we may well get a flush allowed down". Sam came out and put an electric fuel pump on the Suzuki. He picked up my rod and had one cast -- catching the cod on the right hand side. First cast, one cod. The next few casts grabbed a snag and I lost the Boomerang lure!! The photo below is a pig's track. Sam saw the tracks along the fence, so we have had a 60 kg pig wandering the block after the last rain. Matt heard some in Gordon's during the April trip and Gordon says they occasionally come through the lignum on his side

It is still very dry. There was 37 mm in the gauge, but this would have been since July 13th when we were last at Riverley. The ground has only patches of green, with a lot of bare ground and really not much chance of a big grass cover over summer and spring.

The big issue will be whether the river will be allowed to flow and that will be determined by rain in the next two months.

There were a lot of kangaroos. I counted 27 in one mob and I would have seen at least 100 between our place and Scott's place when I went spotlighting. The roo shooter may come in soon, although they are getting a little more flighty.

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