Sam wanted me to put up some of his pictures, taken with my TrailCAM, from the NT trip.
These pictures are two of about 100 that were taken around the body of a dead cow on the station Sam camped at near Mataranka, NT. It wouldn't be a good idea to knock yourself out in the bush around in this area!
Photos taken at 6.30 am and 3.45 am on July 9th this year
In other news, Kristin wanted to know when the family trip is next year. We will do it again Thursday 25th of March to Sunday 28th of March -- the first weekend of term holidays, and a week before Easter. Everyone to be there on Thursday night again. Scotty may be too old to play footy next year, so we will see him!!!
Perhaps there might be some reasons why "M" won't be camping out on this trip!
1 comment:
Hi Steve,
Just checked out the site! Looking forward to March....Cheers! Kris x
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