A list of birds we've spotted on the block since June 2003, including what we think was a Plains Wanderer! (example picture left)
We count from the time we turn onto our road - Colensopark Road, so not all the birds are on the 40 hectares, but they are all local, riverine birds. At this time (July 20th 2008) we think we have sighted or heard 75 birds. It is that Hooded Robin we are most unsure of!
Australian Darter
Australian Hobby (Russ confirmed two October 2nd 2004)
Australian Kestrel (Nankeen)
Australian Raven
Azure Kingfisher
Black Duck
Black Faced Cuckoo Shrike
Black Faced Woodswallow (Russ saw it on 4th March'05 just into Gordon Farrant's place)
Black Shouldered Kite
Brown Songlark (Skylark)
Black Swan
Brown TreeCreeper (confirmed March 20 '04; reconfirmed October 2nd '04. A bit rare)
Boobook Owl (mopoke; heard many times; saw spotlighting with Diana and Hugh 29/12/07)
Bronzewing Pigeon
Brown Falcon
Magpie Lark
Chestnut Rumped Thornbill (did it have white eye?)
Crested Pigeon
Eastern Rosella
Emu (swam across river, March 05; and many other sightings)
Golden Whistler
Great Cormorant (Large black)
Grey Crowned Babbler
Grey Fantail
Grey Teal
Hooded Robin (uncommon; top of lignum on river side of levee 29/12/07)
Jacky Winter
Little Eagle (sitting on a dead rabbit, ColensoPark Road, December 24th 2007)
Little Friar Bird (or it could be a noisy friar bird?)
Long Billed Corella
Masked Plover
Mistletoe Bird
Mountain Duck
Noisy Miner
Pacific Heron (on channel, March '04)
Peaceful Dove (Russ saw it at Easter on the bridge in ColensoPark Road, 10/04/04)
Pelican (bones on block at purchase; on bend 6th October 2006; 11 or more on bend Dec 2007)
Peregrine Falcon (three on the second bend downstream October 2004)
Pied Butcher Bird
Pied Currawong
Plains Wanderer (Bird 70! Very rare; on the river side near camp. Dec 21st 2005)
Rainbow BeeEater (on the sandhill on the way down ColensoPark Road)
Red Rumped Parrot
Restless Flycatcher
Richards' Pipit
Rufous Fantail (black box trees near river; 16th April '05)
Rufous Whistler (male)
Sacred Kingfisher
Small Pied Cormorant
Southern Whiteface (Russ saw it in a walk in Farrants before Easter 04)
Spotted Harrier (Rare, sitting on stump in paddock along ColensoPark Road March 07)
Striated Pardolate
Strawnecked Ibis
Tawny Frogmouth (heard them a couple of times "ooooommm oooooom")
Wedge Tailed Eagle (along Barbers Creek, March '04; in tree downstream of camp March '05)
Welcome Swallow
Whistling Kite
White Cockatoo
White Faced Heron (lives just upstream of Cartwheel)
White Fronted Chat (22/2/05. Stephen saw on Farrants fence, along ColensoPark Road; near our block)
White Plumed Honey Eater
White Throated TreeCreeper
White Winged Chough
Willie Wagtail
Wood Duck
Yellow Rosella
Yellow Rumped Thornbill
Yellow Spoonbill
Zebra Finch
Black Tailed Native Hen (October 2009, along ColensoPark Road)
Crested Shrike Tit (October 2009, on Scott's place)
White Breasted Sea Eagle (Oct 4 2008, just flying through the bend, being chased by magpies))
Unconfirmed but suspicious
- Russ pursued a bird and didn't know whether it was a Hooded Robin or Jacky Winter April 04. Hooded Robins are in the area but a little rare. They like sparse lignum like ours.
- Stephen may have seen a juvenile White Winged Triller in lignum in Gordon's (Feb 05)
- Stephen may have heard a Barking Owl at night (Feb 05)
- Russell might have heard an Owlet Nightjar (Jan 05)
Fantastic site,fantastic subject. The campfire photo makes me feel very cosy. Has one of the authors got a fixation with yabbies? This Russ fella needs to get a bit of certainty in his life, seems to give a lot of maybe's! Looking forward to seeing pictures of floods.Once again congratulations!
PS. Is bones on black re Pelican PC?
Further to russ's credibility as twitcher, he just spent ten minutes with binoculars searching garden for bird call he hadn't heard before. Turned out to be "Out of Balance" alarm on washing machine!
Site is changing quickly!
A typo! Supposed to be "bones on block when we purchased"
Thanks Russ - you might be our only source of comments!
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